Winner of 2021 Albury Wodonga Business Awards – Excellence in Commercial, Professional and Business Services

What to do before you leave on holiday

Before you head out and away from home there are a few key things you’ll want to do, and if it’s been a while since your last vacation (yep, that’s just about all of us) you might benefit from a brush up on what to do to make your home safe and secure while you’re away and comfortable when you return.

What to do with your pets when you go on holiday

Now that we are out of lockdown and free to roam we might be itching to dust off those passports and see the world, or at least pack a suitcase for a blissful domestic break. But what about furry family members?

How to create rainbow bookshelves

There are plenty of ways you can arrange the books on your bookshelves. The traditional alphabetical by author, the aesthetically pleasing arrangement by height, alphabetically by title, stacks by genre, or maybe just the order you shoved them in. Maybe it’s time for you to think a little differently and highlight the colour in your life by arranging the spines of your book as a rainbow.

Renovation Planning Guide Part Three: The Pros and Cons of Renovating

This is our final post in this particular series. In this blog, we are focusing on the highs and lows, so you know what you’re getting yourself into. This information does refer to some facts from the previous two posts, so get back and read our Renovation planning guide and the types of renovations to get up to speed on how all these ties together.

Renovation Planning Guide Part Two: Renovation types

In this post, we will cover the different types of renovations out there. What this is all about is your goals. What are you wanting to achieve with this renovation? Knowing that will help you prioritise your workload, funds and time into the type of renovation that will meet your expectations overall.

Beautiful DIY Projects You Will Love

What’s not to love about Do-It-Yourself (DIY) projects??? You get to choose something that’s exactly to your tastes, everything from the material type, shape, colour, style, texture and budget is selected by you. At the same time, you create a one-off piece that is fantastically unique and, compared to ready-made items, you’ll save a lot of money by doing your own labour.